Lakes District Festival Association ~ Officers and Committee
President ~
Vice President ~ Secretary ~ Treasurer ~ Piano Co-ordinator ~ Speech & Dramatic Arts Co-ordinator ~ Voice Co-ordinator ~ Instrumental Co-ordinator ~ Entry Secretary ~ Awards Co-ordinator ~ Desk & Door Secretary ~ Syllabus Co-ordinator ~ Publicity & Advertising ~ Hospitality ~ Website Manager ~ |
Please note that there have been some significant changes to the 2023 Provincial Festival of Performing Arts BC Official Syllabus. It is the responsibility of all participants and teachers involving students in the Festival to make themselves aware of the rules, regulations and changes as set down in the current version of the Official Syllabus, a copy of which is available up-on request from the Syllabus Coordinator.
At the end of each discipline, the adjudicator may recommend participants to the Provincial Festival of Performing Arts BC. To be considered for recommendation by the adjudicator, a competitor must have performed in a competition class at a local festival and must have received a mark of 85 or over. Decisions are at the discretion of the adjudicators.
Please note that there have been some significant changes to the 2023 Provincial Festival of Performing Arts BC Official Syllabus. It is the responsibility of all participants and teachers involving students in the Festival to make themselves aware of the rules, regulations and changes as set down in the current version of the Official Syllabus, a copy of which is available up-on request from the Syllabus Coordinator.
At the end of each discipline, the adjudicator may recommend participants to the Provincial Festival of Performing Arts BC. To be considered for recommendation by the adjudicator, a competitor must have performed in a competition class at a local festival and must have received a mark of 85 or over. Decisions are at the discretion of the adjudicators.
Teachers, parents and performers: It is your responsibility to read and abide by the rules and to complete the entry forms fully and accurately. Read the syllabus carefully. Be aware of the changes that have been made.
General Rules
- If a complaint needs to be registered, the Festival Committee would be pleased to consider the complaint in writing, accompanied with a $5.00 complaint fee.
- No cameras or recording equipment are permitted during a performance, or an adjudication. There will be time allotted for photographs after classes are completed.
- If you wish to become a patron of the Festival to financially support it with a tax deductible contribution, please contact Juanita McFee, Treasurer, at 250-695-6972.
Competition Procedures and Rules
- Performers must supply original copies of all own choice music for the adjudicator, who must have the music in front of him/her in order to give the competitor maximum advice and help. Please clearly indicate the page(s).
- If no music is provided performance is for adjudication only.
- PLEASE NOTE! Under Canadian Copyright laws, all material used in actual Festival competition must be an original. Photo-copies are not permitted except with the written permission of the copyright holder, which must be handed to the adjudicator when you perform.
- Photocopies of Speech Arts Own Choice selections should be submitted with the entry form, except where indicated in specific classes. These photocopies will be destroyed by the Festival Committee. Please bring your original books to the competition with page(s) clearly indicated.
- Performers hand their material to the Desk Secretary.
- Performers will be responsible for collecting their original copies of performance material after their adjudication. The Festival Association takes no responsibility for mailing neglected music or adjudications.
- Performance timing will be checked by a stopwatch.
- All performers are expected to be in attendance at the beginning of each class and to remain there until the adjudication has been given.
- No one may prompt performers from the audience.
Participants shall be under the management of the Lakes District Festival Association. Any questions not dealt with in the Syllabus rules should be referred to the Festival Committee. The decisions of the Committee shall be final and binding on all concerned. The Lakes District Festival Association will not be held responsible for any injury sustained during the festival.