Speech Arts
Coordinator: Jessica Shively
(250) 692-3912 Email: [email protected]
2025 Adjudicator: Nitasha Rajoo
Click HERE for Adjudicator Biography
Speech Arts will be held on April 11 & 12, 2025
Classes will be subdivided according to entries and age.
Costuming and props are only permitted for the Drama selection. Competitors should select material which requires an absolute minimum of props and these should be portable. All props and costumes remain the sole responsibility of the competitor. Competitors should use good judgement in selecting suitable dress for their presentations. It is not intended that students use elaborate costumes.
Photocopies of all material must be submitted with the entry form for advance study by the adjudicator. Due to copyright laws, the book from which the pieces were taken must be brought to the Festival so that the originals may be used there.
S 11 Canadian Poetry, ($10.00) Open
Any poem written by a Canadian poet
One Own Choice selection - not to exceed 3 minutes
Please note: classes will be subdivided according
to the number and ages of entries received.
S 12 Cowboy Poetry ($10.00) Open
One Own Choice selection - not to exceed 3 minutes
Please note: classes will be subdivided according to the number and ages of entries received.
One Own Choice selection.
S 15 My Favourite Poem, 5 years & under (3 mins)
S 16 My Favourite Poem, 6 years (3 mins)
S 17 My Favourite Poem, 7 years (3 mins)
S 18 My Favourite Poem, 8 years (3 mins)
S 19 My Favourite Poem, 9 years (3 mins)
S 20 My Favourite Poem, 10 years (3 mins)
S 21 My Favourite Poem, 11 years (3 mins)
S 22 My Favourite Poem, 12 years (3 mins)
S 23 My Favourite Poem, 14 years & under ( 4 minutes)
S 24 My Favourite Poem, 16 years & under ( 4 minutes)
S 25 My Favourite Poem, Adult (4 minutes)
One Own Choice selection arranged for and recited by two people. Poems that are conversations, dialogues or have two distinct moods work well.
S 30 Poems for Two Voices, 6 years & under (3 min)
S 31 Poems for Two Voices, 8 years & under (3 min)
S 32 Poems for Two Voices, 10 years & under (3 min)
S 33 Poems for Two Voices, 12 years & under (3 min)
S 34 Poems for Two Voices, 14 years & under (3 min)
S 35 Poems for Two Voices, 16 years & under (4 min)
S 36 Poems for Two Voices, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 37 Poems for Two Voices, Adult (4 min)
S 38 Senior Duologue, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 39 Senior Duologue, Adult (4 min)
Choral Speaking is the group interpretation of a poem. Most of the piece is spoken by the choir as a whole, although some solo and small group voices may be included. There may be actions, or gestures performed by the choir. The leader may assist the group to arrange themselves on the stage or risers, and may conduct the performance, but should not say the piece aloud with the group. Stage arrangement may be changed between the group’s two pieces. Selections may be performed in any order. Two poems are required, both are Own Choice and should be contrasting.
S 40 Choral Speech, Primary Grades K/1 (8 mins)
S 41 Choral Speech, Primary Grade 2 (8 mins)
S 42 Choral Speech, Primary Grade 3 (8 mins)
S 43 Choral Speech, Elementary Grades 4-5 (8 mins)
S 44 Choral Speech, Elementary Grades 6-7 (8 mins)
S 45 Choral Speech, Mixed Grades, Junior Secondary (10 min)
S 46 Choral Speech, Mixed Grades, Senior Secondary (10 min)
PROSE ($10.00)
Reading must be memorized. The established guidelines for competitors performing at the BC Festival of the Performing Arts are: The focus should be on the voice. Competitors may stand or be seated. No acting. The selection should include narration, description and dialogue. It should be spoken in the story-telling style, but should not be performed as a dramatic scene. Vocal characterization is encouraged but the quality of prose must be maintained. Classes may be divided according to ages of performers.
S 50 Junior Prose, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 51 Junior Prose, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 52 Intermediate Prose, 16 years & under (8 mins)
S 53 Senior Prose, 18 years & under (8 mins)
S 54 Senior Prose, Adult (9 min)
A speech or conversation from a play or book. It is recommended that the excerpt be from a published play intended to be presented on stage by an actor assuming language, movement, and dress of original character. Portray one character only. Classes may be subdivided according to the number of entries and participants’ ages.
S 55 Junior Dramatic Excerpt, 12 years & under (5 mins)
S 56 Junior Dramatic Excerpt, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 57 Intermediate Dramatic Excerpt,16 years & under (8 mins)
S 58 Senior Dramatic Excerpt, 18 years & under (8 mins)
S 59 Senior Dramatic Excerpt, Adult (8 min)
S 60 Junior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo, 12 years & under (8 mins)
S 61 Junior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo, 14 years & under (8 mins)
S 62 Intermediate Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—16 yrs & under (8 mins)
S 63 Senior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—18 years & under (8 mins)
S 64 Senior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—Adult (10 mins)
READING FROM SHAKESPEARE ($10.00 / $13.00 duo)
Most adjudicators feel that readings should be memorized.
S 65 Reading from Shakespeare, 14 years & under (7 mins)
S 66 Reading from Shakespeare, over 14 years (10 mins)
S 67 Reading from Shakespeare, Duo (10 mins)
Entrants will read a story from a book of their own choice. Performances will be adjudicated on vocal skills, quality of presentation, and suitability of the presentation style for the “target audience” of the particular story. Longer stories may be edited to fit the time limits. An original of the material must be handed in. One Own Choice selection. Titles are required with the entry form (photocopies are not required).
S 70 Story Reading, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 71 Story Reading, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 72 Story Reading, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 73 Story Reading, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 74 Story Reading, Adult (8 min)
The text and passage to be read will be chosen by the adjudicator, who will hand the script to the performer at the appropriate time.
S 76 Sight Reading, 10 years & under
S 77 Sight Reading, 14 years & under
S 78 Sight Reading, 16 years & under
S 79 Sight Reading, 18 years & under
S 80 Sight Reading, Adult
SOLO CONCERT GROUP ($10.00 per selection)
A program of up to three selections is required: one each of poetry, prose or traditional drama. The program should provide contrast. Indicate beginnings and endings on copy sent with entry form.
S 85 Concert Group, 10 years & under (12 mins)
S 86 Concert Group, 14 years & under (12 mins)
S 87 Concert Group, 16 years & under (14 mins)
S 88 Concert Group, 18 years & under (14 mins)
S 89 Concert Group, Adult (20 mins)
MIME ($10.00/$13.00 duo)
Selections are Own Choice and a resume or copies of material must be submitted with the entry form. Competitors may use hand props and may not speak but may make sounds. Titles may be announced out loud, or displayed on a card before the performance begins. Musical background is permitted.
S 93 Mime, 14 years & under Solo (3 mins)
S 94 Mime, 14 years & under Duo (3 mins)
S 95 Mime, 15 years & over Solo (3 mins)
S 96 Mime, 15 years & over Duo (3 mins)
GROUP MIME ($19.00)
A mime play for a group of 3-7 mime artists. Title to be presented at the start of the play - either vocally or displayed on a card. A musical background may be included. One Own Choice selection. Titles/scripts not required with entry form.
S 100 Mime, Group (6mins)
Any form of light or humorous verse. One Own Choice selection.
S 101 Humorous Poetry, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 102 Humorous Poetry, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 103 Humorous Poetry, 14 years & under (4 mins)
S 104 Humorous Poetry, 16 years & under (4 mins)
S 105 Humorous Poetry, 18 years & under (4 mins)
S 106 Humorous Poetry, Adult (4 mins)
The participant will be required to tell a short story. It may be original or the retelling of a known story, and must sound spontaneous. Stories must be told, not read. Titles to be given at the time of performance, as scripts are not required by the adjudicator. Use of props is discouraged. One Own Choice selection.
S 110 Story Telling, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 111 Story Telling, 12 years & under (5 mins)
S 112 Story Telling, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 113 Story Telling, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 114 Story Telling, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 115 Story Telling, Adult (8 mins)
Each entrant will be shown a different picture and have a designated time to tell the story of what it means. One minute will be given to study the picture.
S 120 Impromptu Story Telling, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 121 Impromptu Story Telling, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 122 Impromptu Story Telling, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 123 Impromptu Story Telling, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 124 Impromptu Story Telling, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 125 Impromptu Story Telling, Adult (8 mins)
Choric Drama involves the speaking of the text by a speech choir. Actors may then add movement, mime, solo voices and characterisations to help tell the story. Some costumes, props, music and sound effects may be included, but should be kept simple. A group consists of 3 or more characters. The group leader may assist with set-up and conducting, but should not participate verbally. Please state number of students as well as grade level for group entries. One Own Choice selection. Please note title, author and source on entry form. Photocopies are not required.
S 130 Choric Drama, 10 years & under (8 min)
S 131 Choric Drama, 12 years & under (8 min)
S 132 Choric Drama, 14 years & under (8 min)
S 133 Choric Drama, 16 years & under (8 min)
S 134 Choric Drama, 18 years & under (8 min)
S 135 Choric Drama, Adult (8 min)
SPEECH ARTS IN FRENCH ($10.00/$25.00 Choral)
Selections are Own Choice. Classes may be divided according to ages and/or grades of performers.
S 136 Spoken Poetry in French, 10 years & under (5 min)
S 137 Spoken Poetry in French, 14 years & under (5 min)
S 138 Spoken Poetry in French, over 14 years (5 min)
S 139 Choral Speech in French, Primary (8 min)
S 140 Choral speech in French, Elementary (8 min)
S 141 Choral Speech in French, Secondary (8 min)
Must be entrant’s original selection. Speeches need not be memorized, as notes should be used (but not read from). Participants will be judged on such details as research, organization, language, all aspects of delivery, and audience appeal. Please include title of speech. Photocopies are not required.
S 145 Public Speaking, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 146 Public Speaking, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 147 Public Speaking, 14 years & under (3 mins)
S 148 Public Speaking, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 149 Public Speaking, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 150 Public Speaking, Adult (8 mins)
It is suggested that selections be chosen for the beauty of language and/or the integrity of an idea or story. Entrants will be adjudicated on their ability to perform interpretive reading.
S 155 Sacred Reading, 14 years & under (3 min)
S 156 Sacred Reading, 16 years & under (3 min)
S 157 Sacred Reading, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 158 Sacred Reading, Adult (4 min)
READERS’ THEATRE (Duo $13.00, 3 or more $19.00)
Selections are Own Choice. Time limit includes set-up and performance. Readers’ Theatre is the dramatization of a story using the text of a narrative as a play script. Although the emphasis must be on the text, an imaginative approach is suggested. The script should not be read but “acted” in the Readers’ Theatre style with scripts used merely as props. Please state age and grades of performers on entry form.
S 160 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 10 years & under (10 min)
S 161 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 12 years & under (10 min)
S 162 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 14 years & under (10 min)
S 163 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 16 years & under (10 min)
S 164 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 18 years & under (10 min)
S 165 Readers’ Theatre Group (10 min)
ONE ACT PLAYS ($25.00)
Selections are own choice. Classes will be divided according to ages and/or grades of performers. State length of performance on entry form.
S 170 One Act Play, School Production
S 171 One Act Play, Adult Production
This is a category open to any individual discipline or any combination to be adjudicated for both performance and content. The composition will be performed (or directed) by the composer, and a copy (written by the composer) must be provided for the adjudicator. Entries in this section will be accepted from teachers and others who would normally be unable to enter the Festival for professional reasons. Age, years of study and/or experience should be noted on the entry form.
OC I Own Composition, Instrumental
OC P Own Composition, Piano
OC V Own Composition, Voice
OC SA Own Composition, Speech Arts
This is a category open to any class in this syllabus. If you wish to perform in the Festival for adjudication only, and not on a competitive basis for marks and awards, please use this class. Take the class number of your choice and at the end add NC, e.g.. P42-NC or V 24-NC. If you have any queries regarding this, contact the discipline coordinator.
Junior Speech Arts
Age 11-13 (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 12 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 6 Level (C) One selection of Drama
Junior Shakespeare Time Limit 4 minutes
Intermediate Speech Arts
Age 16 & under (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 15 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 7 level (C) One selection of Drama
Intermediate Shakespeare Time Limit 5 minutes
Senior Speech Arts
Age 28 & under (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 20 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 8 level (C) One Sonnet
(D) One selection of Drama
Senior Shakespeare Time Limit 5 minutes
Shakespeare Duo Time Limit: 10 minutes
Age 11 - 28 years
Selections to be taken from the works of William Shakespeare, performed by two people. Performers may be different ages as long as both are within the ages specified in the Speech Arts Syllabus. Competitors must have performed a Shakespeare Duo in their local Festival and achieved a minimum mark of 85%.
Classes will be subdivided according to entries and age.
- The selection must be of suitable length and difficulty for each particular age group.
- Please use published texts.
- In choosing your selections, consideration should be given to the appropriateness of the material to the age and experience of the entrant and the boundaries of good taste. Racial or religious slurs must be avoided.
- Suggestions for Own Choice material are available from the Speech Arts Coordinator or from the Burns Lake librarian.
- Non-competitive and Own Composition-please see below
- Time limits vary by category and class. Please review the class description carefully.
- Time limits will be enforced. If exceeded, adjudication will only be given up to the specified time.
- Time limits are maximum times—selections may be shorter than the specified time limit.
Costuming and props are only permitted for the Drama selection. Competitors should select material which requires an absolute minimum of props and these should be portable. All props and costumes remain the sole responsibility of the competitor. Competitors should use good judgement in selecting suitable dress for their presentations. It is not intended that students use elaborate costumes.
Photocopies of all material must be submitted with the entry form for advance study by the adjudicator. Due to copyright laws, the book from which the pieces were taken must be brought to the Festival so that the originals may be used there.
S 11 Canadian Poetry, ($10.00) Open
Any poem written by a Canadian poet
One Own Choice selection - not to exceed 3 minutes
Please note: classes will be subdivided according
to the number and ages of entries received.
S 12 Cowboy Poetry ($10.00) Open
One Own Choice selection - not to exceed 3 minutes
Please note: classes will be subdivided according to the number and ages of entries received.
One Own Choice selection.
S 15 My Favourite Poem, 5 years & under (3 mins)
S 16 My Favourite Poem, 6 years (3 mins)
S 17 My Favourite Poem, 7 years (3 mins)
S 18 My Favourite Poem, 8 years (3 mins)
S 19 My Favourite Poem, 9 years (3 mins)
S 20 My Favourite Poem, 10 years (3 mins)
S 21 My Favourite Poem, 11 years (3 mins)
S 22 My Favourite Poem, 12 years (3 mins)
S 23 My Favourite Poem, 14 years & under ( 4 minutes)
S 24 My Favourite Poem, 16 years & under ( 4 minutes)
S 25 My Favourite Poem, Adult (4 minutes)
One Own Choice selection arranged for and recited by two people. Poems that are conversations, dialogues or have two distinct moods work well.
S 30 Poems for Two Voices, 6 years & under (3 min)
S 31 Poems for Two Voices, 8 years & under (3 min)
S 32 Poems for Two Voices, 10 years & under (3 min)
S 33 Poems for Two Voices, 12 years & under (3 min)
S 34 Poems for Two Voices, 14 years & under (3 min)
S 35 Poems for Two Voices, 16 years & under (4 min)
S 36 Poems for Two Voices, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 37 Poems for Two Voices, Adult (4 min)
S 38 Senior Duologue, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 39 Senior Duologue, Adult (4 min)
Choral Speaking is the group interpretation of a poem. Most of the piece is spoken by the choir as a whole, although some solo and small group voices may be included. There may be actions, or gestures performed by the choir. The leader may assist the group to arrange themselves on the stage or risers, and may conduct the performance, but should not say the piece aloud with the group. Stage arrangement may be changed between the group’s two pieces. Selections may be performed in any order. Two poems are required, both are Own Choice and should be contrasting.
S 40 Choral Speech, Primary Grades K/1 (8 mins)
S 41 Choral Speech, Primary Grade 2 (8 mins)
S 42 Choral Speech, Primary Grade 3 (8 mins)
S 43 Choral Speech, Elementary Grades 4-5 (8 mins)
S 44 Choral Speech, Elementary Grades 6-7 (8 mins)
S 45 Choral Speech, Mixed Grades, Junior Secondary (10 min)
S 46 Choral Speech, Mixed Grades, Senior Secondary (10 min)
PROSE ($10.00)
Reading must be memorized. The established guidelines for competitors performing at the BC Festival of the Performing Arts are: The focus should be on the voice. Competitors may stand or be seated. No acting. The selection should include narration, description and dialogue. It should be spoken in the story-telling style, but should not be performed as a dramatic scene. Vocal characterization is encouraged but the quality of prose must be maintained. Classes may be divided according to ages of performers.
S 50 Junior Prose, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 51 Junior Prose, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 52 Intermediate Prose, 16 years & under (8 mins)
S 53 Senior Prose, 18 years & under (8 mins)
S 54 Senior Prose, Adult (9 min)
A speech or conversation from a play or book. It is recommended that the excerpt be from a published play intended to be presented on stage by an actor assuming language, movement, and dress of original character. Portray one character only. Classes may be subdivided according to the number of entries and participants’ ages.
S 55 Junior Dramatic Excerpt, 12 years & under (5 mins)
S 56 Junior Dramatic Excerpt, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 57 Intermediate Dramatic Excerpt,16 years & under (8 mins)
S 58 Senior Dramatic Excerpt, 18 years & under (8 mins)
S 59 Senior Dramatic Excerpt, Adult (8 min)
S 60 Junior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo, 12 years & under (8 mins)
S 61 Junior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo, 14 years & under (8 mins)
S 62 Intermediate Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—16 yrs & under (8 mins)
S 63 Senior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—18 years & under (8 mins)
S 64 Senior Dramatic Excerpt—Duo—Adult (10 mins)
READING FROM SHAKESPEARE ($10.00 / $13.00 duo)
Most adjudicators feel that readings should be memorized.
S 65 Reading from Shakespeare, 14 years & under (7 mins)
S 66 Reading from Shakespeare, over 14 years (10 mins)
S 67 Reading from Shakespeare, Duo (10 mins)
Entrants will read a story from a book of their own choice. Performances will be adjudicated on vocal skills, quality of presentation, and suitability of the presentation style for the “target audience” of the particular story. Longer stories may be edited to fit the time limits. An original of the material must be handed in. One Own Choice selection. Titles are required with the entry form (photocopies are not required).
S 70 Story Reading, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 71 Story Reading, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 72 Story Reading, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 73 Story Reading, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 74 Story Reading, Adult (8 min)
The text and passage to be read will be chosen by the adjudicator, who will hand the script to the performer at the appropriate time.
S 76 Sight Reading, 10 years & under
S 77 Sight Reading, 14 years & under
S 78 Sight Reading, 16 years & under
S 79 Sight Reading, 18 years & under
S 80 Sight Reading, Adult
SOLO CONCERT GROUP ($10.00 per selection)
A program of up to three selections is required: one each of poetry, prose or traditional drama. The program should provide contrast. Indicate beginnings and endings on copy sent with entry form.
S 85 Concert Group, 10 years & under (12 mins)
S 86 Concert Group, 14 years & under (12 mins)
S 87 Concert Group, 16 years & under (14 mins)
S 88 Concert Group, 18 years & under (14 mins)
S 89 Concert Group, Adult (20 mins)
MIME ($10.00/$13.00 duo)
Selections are Own Choice and a resume or copies of material must be submitted with the entry form. Competitors may use hand props and may not speak but may make sounds. Titles may be announced out loud, or displayed on a card before the performance begins. Musical background is permitted.
S 93 Mime, 14 years & under Solo (3 mins)
S 94 Mime, 14 years & under Duo (3 mins)
S 95 Mime, 15 years & over Solo (3 mins)
S 96 Mime, 15 years & over Duo (3 mins)
GROUP MIME ($19.00)
A mime play for a group of 3-7 mime artists. Title to be presented at the start of the play - either vocally or displayed on a card. A musical background may be included. One Own Choice selection. Titles/scripts not required with entry form.
S 100 Mime, Group (6mins)
Any form of light or humorous verse. One Own Choice selection.
S 101 Humorous Poetry, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 102 Humorous Poetry, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 103 Humorous Poetry, 14 years & under (4 mins)
S 104 Humorous Poetry, 16 years & under (4 mins)
S 105 Humorous Poetry, 18 years & under (4 mins)
S 106 Humorous Poetry, Adult (4 mins)
The participant will be required to tell a short story. It may be original or the retelling of a known story, and must sound spontaneous. Stories must be told, not read. Titles to be given at the time of performance, as scripts are not required by the adjudicator. Use of props is discouraged. One Own Choice selection.
S 110 Story Telling, 10 years & under (5 mins)
S 111 Story Telling, 12 years & under (5 mins)
S 112 Story Telling, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 113 Story Telling, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 114 Story Telling, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 115 Story Telling, Adult (8 mins)
Each entrant will be shown a different picture and have a designated time to tell the story of what it means. One minute will be given to study the picture.
S 120 Impromptu Story Telling, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 121 Impromptu Story Telling, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 122 Impromptu Story Telling, 14 years & under (5 mins)
S 123 Impromptu Story Telling, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 124 Impromptu Story Telling, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 125 Impromptu Story Telling, Adult (8 mins)
Choric Drama involves the speaking of the text by a speech choir. Actors may then add movement, mime, solo voices and characterisations to help tell the story. Some costumes, props, music and sound effects may be included, but should be kept simple. A group consists of 3 or more characters. The group leader may assist with set-up and conducting, but should not participate verbally. Please state number of students as well as grade level for group entries. One Own Choice selection. Please note title, author and source on entry form. Photocopies are not required.
S 130 Choric Drama, 10 years & under (8 min)
S 131 Choric Drama, 12 years & under (8 min)
S 132 Choric Drama, 14 years & under (8 min)
S 133 Choric Drama, 16 years & under (8 min)
S 134 Choric Drama, 18 years & under (8 min)
S 135 Choric Drama, Adult (8 min)
SPEECH ARTS IN FRENCH ($10.00/$25.00 Choral)
Selections are Own Choice. Classes may be divided according to ages and/or grades of performers.
S 136 Spoken Poetry in French, 10 years & under (5 min)
S 137 Spoken Poetry in French, 14 years & under (5 min)
S 138 Spoken Poetry in French, over 14 years (5 min)
S 139 Choral Speech in French, Primary (8 min)
S 140 Choral speech in French, Elementary (8 min)
S 141 Choral Speech in French, Secondary (8 min)
Must be entrant’s original selection. Speeches need not be memorized, as notes should be used (but not read from). Participants will be judged on such details as research, organization, language, all aspects of delivery, and audience appeal. Please include title of speech. Photocopies are not required.
S 145 Public Speaking, 10 years & under (3 mins)
S 146 Public Speaking, 12 years & under (3 mins)
S 147 Public Speaking, 14 years & under (3 mins)
S 148 Public Speaking, 16 years & under (5 mins)
S 149 Public Speaking, 18 years & under (5 mins)
S 150 Public Speaking, Adult (8 mins)
It is suggested that selections be chosen for the beauty of language and/or the integrity of an idea or story. Entrants will be adjudicated on their ability to perform interpretive reading.
S 155 Sacred Reading, 14 years & under (3 min)
S 156 Sacred Reading, 16 years & under (3 min)
S 157 Sacred Reading, 18 years & under (4 min)
S 158 Sacred Reading, Adult (4 min)
READERS’ THEATRE (Duo $13.00, 3 or more $19.00)
Selections are Own Choice. Time limit includes set-up and performance. Readers’ Theatre is the dramatization of a story using the text of a narrative as a play script. Although the emphasis must be on the text, an imaginative approach is suggested. The script should not be read but “acted” in the Readers’ Theatre style with scripts used merely as props. Please state age and grades of performers on entry form.
S 160 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 10 years & under (10 min)
S 161 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 12 years & under (10 min)
S 162 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 14 years & under (10 min)
S 163 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 16 years & under (10 min)
S 164 Readers’ Theatre Duo, 18 years & under (10 min)
S 165 Readers’ Theatre Group (10 min)
ONE ACT PLAYS ($25.00)
Selections are own choice. Classes will be divided according to ages and/or grades of performers. State length of performance on entry form.
S 170 One Act Play, School Production
S 171 One Act Play, Adult Production
This is a category open to any individual discipline or any combination to be adjudicated for both performance and content. The composition will be performed (or directed) by the composer, and a copy (written by the composer) must be provided for the adjudicator. Entries in this section will be accepted from teachers and others who would normally be unable to enter the Festival for professional reasons. Age, years of study and/or experience should be noted on the entry form.
OC I Own Composition, Instrumental
OC P Own Composition, Piano
OC V Own Composition, Voice
OC SA Own Composition, Speech Arts
This is a category open to any class in this syllabus. If you wish to perform in the Festival for adjudication only, and not on a competitive basis for marks and awards, please use this class. Take the class number of your choice and at the end add NC, e.g.. P42-NC or V 24-NC. If you have any queries regarding this, contact the discipline coordinator.
Junior Speech Arts
Age 11-13 (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 12 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 6 Level (C) One selection of Drama
Junior Shakespeare Time Limit 4 minutes
Intermediate Speech Arts
Age 16 & under (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 15 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 7 level (C) One selection of Drama
Intermediate Shakespeare Time Limit 5 minutes
Senior Speech Arts
Age 28 & under (A) One selection of Poetry
Time Limit 20 minutes (B) One selection of Prose
Minimum Grade 8 level (C) One Sonnet
(D) One selection of Drama
Senior Shakespeare Time Limit 5 minutes
Shakespeare Duo Time Limit: 10 minutes
Age 11 - 28 years
Selections to be taken from the works of William Shakespeare, performed by two people. Performers may be different ages as long as both are within the ages specified in the Speech Arts Syllabus. Competitors must have performed a Shakespeare Duo in their local Festival and achieved a minimum mark of 85%.